Reasons to Get Rid of W

Wednesday, July 25, 2001
He ignores global warming. 178 nations have agreed to the Kyoto Protocol reducing emissions of greenhouse gases; Bush says it's "fatally flawed" and would hurt our economy. As opposed to the benefits we'll see of rising oceans and the spread of tropical diseases. But what do you expect from an oil man?

Saturday, July 14, 2001
Another Big Lie: Contrary to their public statements that Florida votes should be counted according to a single standard established prior to the election, Republicans did the exact opposite: they pressured election officials into accepting overseas votes that didn't meet the standards when it would help Bush, and against them when they would help Gore. (NYT 7/14/2001)

Wednesday, July 11, 2001
His Justice Department is reversing the government's position, held since 1973 (and backed by a 1939 Supreme Court decision), that the second amendment does not guarantee the personal right to own or use a gun.

I share a birthday with him. That's worse than sharing it with Nancy Reagan and Sylvester Stallone.